Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Market

Dear Parents,

The multi-cultural projects are due by the end of the day Wednesday.  Students have the freedom to be creative and complete their project in the style that best fits their strengths.  If anyone has any souvenirs, pictures, or items from China that they would like to display in the market, please send them by Wednesday.  I had considered handing out fortune cookies at the market, until my husband reminded me that there are NO fortune cookies in China, this is actually a Chinese-American tradition.  So, I decided that it would be fun and easy to give each guest a Green Tea packet.  Every restaurant and grocery we visited in China had Green tea; it is a huge part of their culture! If anyone would like to send a pack of Green Tea, just make sure that it is a box with individually wrapped tea bags. We will probably need at least 300 tea bags or more. If every student brings one box of 20 Green Tea bags, then we would have enough :)  I do not need any parents to work our table, however parents are invited to attend the market on Friday and tour with their child.  I am very happy to be back, and we are going to be very busy learning each and every day!!

Mrs. B